Saturday, March 30, 2013

Added Components

So the boat now has:

2 AMERESCO - Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules
Samlex Solar - SCC-30AB - 30 Amp Charge Controller
ICOM - IC-M802 - Single Sideband Radio Transceiver
ICOM - AT-140 Antenna Tuner
KISS - Ground Plane
Gam Split Antenna Mounted on Port Side Backstay
Pactor IV Bluetooth Modem
ZF - Bronze Propeller

Friday, March 29, 2013

Teak Time!!

Cleaned out the cockpit and oiled the teak cockpit table, but also cleaned and oiled the teak treads up to the cockpit and the teak on the swim platform and stairs.  I love the look of oiled teak.

Cleaned, dried and then oiled

Step from the fantail up toward the cockpit

Another one of the teak steps, this one 
from the side deck to the cockpit

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Update - Back In The Water

Here are the photos of the travel lift move back to the water:

New Bronze ZF Prop

Positioning the Travel Lift

Travel Lift In Place

Removing the Cribbing

On the Move

Now Moving Into Place To Lower Into The Water

Lowering Terratima...

...Into The Water

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Third Week

We are not very happy right now.  The group doing the work on our boat has no concept of schedule, nor do they seem capable of communicating the issues with us.  In my business, I can not afford that kind of behaviour, so we remain high and dry and the outlook for sailing this coming Easter is fast disappearing.  I'll try and get some minor other work done while the sun is shining, but this experience and the experience with the people who commissioned our boat is leaving a very bad taste in our mouths.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Here are photos of progress:

Up on the hard still

Icom AT-140

New Bronze Prop

New ICOM M-802 SSB Main Box

SSB Location at the Nav Station

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I will have pictures tomorrow, but here is the checklist:

      1. Solar Panels - Mounted and about to be wired
      2. Flood Lights - Mounted and about to be wired
      3. Zincs - In place
      4. New Prop - In the shop but to be mounted tomorrow
      5. SSB - front end unit in, guts to be placed tomorrow
      6. ICOM 140 - in the shop but not yet mounted
      7. Antenna - not yet mounted
      8. Grounding Plane - not yet mounted.  
Will update everyone soon.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Work on Land

As the page on "Life Ashore" suggests, I am working in an office like many others and on a number of projects at the moment.  All are exciting in their own way, but this one for the University of Alberta is special in many ways.  When I was the University Architect and Senior Planner for the University, I could see the potential of this building that had started life in 1922 as the University's Medical School.  After World War II, the end wings were extended in 1946 and '47.  In 1951, there was an addition that started to turn the "U" shaped building into an "E".  That addition was only 1 story at the time.  Then in 1958, a major (and unsympathetic) addition was added that filled up the middle leg of the "E" and closed the open ends with a 7 storey addition.  So the entire thing looks like this:

The result is a very difficult building.  It is huge at roughly 355,000 square feet and  difficult to move around within.  The two courtyards are simply light wells at the moment and often cars are parked inside them.

The idea was to consolidate the building into an easily understood one that would become the University's administration building.  Our approach is to take out the middle wing and make the entire interior an atrium-like space.  The issue is that it would be long and narrow, but since we would be taking out some area from the centre wing, we would replace that within one side of the atrium, so here are images of how it has turned out:

Exterior from the south

Interior from the west end of the atrium

View looking at the east end infill space

Looking the other way (toward the west)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bad Prop

We have discovered that the prop on the boat is probably not the original one.  We sent the info to the factory, but have heard no reply.  It is steel and was plated.  There is fatigue cracking in all three blades and it was not far from separating from the hub.  That would have been catastrophic.  We have located a new bronze prop in the US that is coming in next week.

View of Prop

Hub With Cracking On The Blade

Saturday, March 9, 2013

On The Hard

Here we are on blocks and braces holding Terratima upright after being lowered into position on the Travel Lift. 

Skoki (our schnauzer) looks on from the cockpit

A Thursday Haul

Here are pictures of the hauling out that took place a few days ago. 

Positioning the Boat Over the Travel Lift Straps

Just Coming Out of the Water

The Boat Being Transported To Its Cradle Location

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rules of the Road

This is incredible.  A ship seemingly overtaking turns at close quarters and this is the result...

World Cruising Routes - Plotted

Here are plots on YOTREPS showing the position reports of sailboats at sea.  Each dot is a position report.  You can see the routes and if you look at the previous post of the traditional sailing routes in the Age of Sail, nothing much has changes.  

You can see the really popular locations and it's interesting that the route from North America to the Marquesas is more popular from the tip of the Baha Peninsula (Cabo San Lucas probably) than from Panama via the Galapagos Islands.

There are only a few intrepid souls in the Southern Ocean.   

Cockpit Cushions

Here is Skoki modelling our new cockpit cushions - Royal Blue Phifertex from Sailrite.  Closed cell foam in the cushion.

Rio de Janeiro

My daughter playing with the Ricardo Silveira Organ Trio at the Triboz Jazz Club in Rio de Janeiro.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


OK, so here I am in my office testing the Augmented Reality App with two of my CloverPoint colleagues.  I will post photos of the building we are doing at the University of Alberta as soon as I can (client must agree).

A Window into the Future of A Building


 Hello all.  I must admit to being a bit reticente in completing the story of our trip to Mexico.  It is marred by an incident of mental hea...